
Welcome to BioMedical and Health Informatics Workshop 2017

We invite you to celebrate a CDM day of research by students, faculty, and practitioners! Please join us to learn about exciting research and its applications at the intersection of biomedicine, health and computer science.


Some of the big questions our speakers will address are:

  • Will medical systems learn how to save money by skipping expensive and unnecessary tests?

  • Will radiologists be replaced by computer algorithms?

  • Will neuroscientists one day be able to accurately map behavior to neural activity in the brain?

Keynote Speaker

Dr. David M. Liebovitz, MD, FACP, University of Chicago

Featured Projects

Industry Presentations

Important Dates

  • May 1st, Poster Submission

  • May 6th, RSVP

  • May 12th, Workshop Day

This workshop is sponsored by

Workshop Chairs