To Projects

IT 403 -- Project 1

Practice using SPSS

  1. If you are working from home, use Remote Desktop to access SPSS:
    Use the computer name and your CampusConnect username and password.
  2. When logging in with Remote Desktop, you may need to use the dpu prefix for your username, for example, dpu\ssmith.
  3. Start SPSS:
  4. Enter these hypothetical exam scores using the Data Editor:
  5. Use SPSS to show the following output:
    1. Print the dataset:
      • Analyze >> Reports >> Case Summaries
    2. Compute, Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, and IQR for the hypothetical exam scores:
      • Analyze >> Descriptive Statistics >> Explore
    3. Create the histogram and boxplot of the hypothetical exam scores:
      • Graphs  Interactive >> Histogram [or Boxplot]
  6. Export the output as a Word (.doc) file.
  7. Open the output file. Add your name, submission date, and project number at beginning of the output file. Also add the values of the quartiles like this:
    We want to know that you can find the requested information on the SPSS output.
  8. Type the actual values of the quartiles read from the SPSS output instead of ??.
  9. Save your output file as Project1Smith.docx. (Replace Smith by your last name.)
  10. Submit your Word file to the Project 1 dropbox on D2L.