To Notes

IT 403 -- Sept 28, 2016

Review Exercises

  1. We worked this problem at the end of class last week:
    IQ scores are normally distributed with mean = 100 and SD = 15. How many persons out of one billion have an IQ score greater than 175?
    Ans: z = (x - mu) / sigma = (175 - 100) / 15 = 5.  Use the Extreme Values of the Normal Distribution table to see that the proportion of scores greater than 5 is 2.867 × 10-7. Multiply this proportion by 1 billion = 109 to see how many persons out of one billion have an IQ score greater than 175:
    2.867 × 10-7 * 109 = 286.7 ≈ 287.
  2. Use SPSS to compute the z-scores of this list:
         54   89   23   56   80   45   76
  3. What are two methods for estimating the accuracy of the sample mean?
    Ans: Method 1, which is to repeat the experiment k times giving k batches of data. Then compute the standard deviation of the sample means obtained from all of the batches. Method 2 is only conduct one experiment and estimate SEave as SD+ / √n.
  4. Usually the population mean is unknown. How do we get an approximate idea of its value?
  5. Use SPSS to compute the mean and SD+ for each batch of counts for the CountTo30 dataset.
    Ans: After importing the CountTo30 Dataset into SPSS, select
          Analyze >> Descriptive Statistics >> Explore...
    Drag Time into the Dependent List box, drag Batch into the Factor List box, and Rep into the Label Cases by box. This will compute descriptive statistics separately for each batch.
  6. Use the SPSS CDF.NORMAL function to compute these areas under the normal curve. (CDF means Cumulative Distribution Function.) Verify the answers with the standard normal table.
    1. (-∞, 1.64]   Ans: 0.9495
    2. (-∞, -0.72]   Ans: 0.2358
    3. [0.23, 2.09]   Ans: 0.3907
    4. (-0.95, 1.37]   Ans: 0.7436
    5. (-0.63, +∞)   Ans: 0.7357
    6. [4.3, +∞)   Ans: 8.540e-6
  7. Use the SPSS IDF.NORMAL function compute the percentiles corresponding to these percentages.
    (IDF means Inverse Density Function.) Verify your answers with the standard normal table.
    1. 37% = 0.37   Ans: -0.332
    2. 81% = 0.81   Ans: 0.878

    Answers for Exercises 6 and 7: Set up an SPSS dataset with variables a, b, c, d, and e: 
    a b c d e
      1.64   0.23 2.09 -0.63 0.37
    -0.72 -0.95 1.37   4.30 0.81

    Now repeatedly use Transform >> Compute Variable to compute the requested answers:
    Target Variable:   Numeric Expression:
    Ansa CDF.NORMAL(a, 0, 1)
    Ansb CDF.NORMAL(c, 0, 1) - CDF.NORMAL(b, 0, 1)
    Ansd CDF.NORMAL(d, 0, 1)
    Anse IDF.NORMAL(e, 0, 1)

Normal Plots

Practice Problems

  1. Compute normal scores (Van der Waerden's method) for a dataset of size 9.
    Ans: Choose the z-scores that divide the standard normal curve into 9 + 1 = 10 equal areas:
    -1.28  -0.84  -0.52  -0.25  0.00  0.25  0.52  0.84  1.28
  2. Construct the normal plots by hand of this dataset:
           81   95   97   101   112   125   129   167   220
  3. Create the normal plot for this dataset with SPSS.

Random Variable Simulation

SPSS Practice Problems

  1. Create 50 values of a normal random variable x with μ = 15, σ = 3.8.
  2. Create a histogram of x with superimposed normal curve.
  3. Create a normal plot of x.
  4. Create 50 values of a uniform random variable y in the range [10, 50].
  5. Create a histogram of y with superimposed normal curve.
  6. Create a normal plot of y.

Project 2

Bivariate Datasets


Linear Regression

Project 3