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Experimental Trials for the Salk Polio Vaccine

Some Class Discussion Questions and Answers

  1. What is a double blind study?
    Ans: it is a study where neither the patient nor the the patient's doctor knows whether the patient is receiving the placebo or the vaccine. Only the clinical trial administrator knows who is getting the vaccine and who is getting the placebo.
  2. Isn't it unethical to give some patients the placebo?
    Ans: at the time that the clinical trial is conducted, it is not clear whether the vaccine really works. In modern clinical trials, as soon as it is determined that the vaccine really works, the subjects in the control group are also given the vaccine.
  3. Why did the subjects in the No Consent group have a lower incidence of polio than the subjects in the placebo group?
    Ans: It is possible that better educated subjects would have a better appreciation of the importance of vaccines for diseases, so they would be more likely to volunteer to be in the study. The less educated subjects might be less likely to volunteer for the study, so they would go into the no consent group. However, less educated subjects may live in less hygenic conditions, so they would have built up a natural resistance to polio.