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IT 313 -- Project 6a

  1. Goal: Implement classes that represent items in a library: books and music CDs. For Project 6b, these items will be placed in a collection class named LibraryManager.
  2. Deliverables:
  3. Details:
    1. Implement the classes LibraryItem, Book, and MusicCD instance variables and methods defined by this UML diagram.
    2. LibraryItem is the base class for the derived classes Book and MusicCD.
    3. All instance variables except checkedOut have standard getters but no setters.
    4. The getter for checkedOut is isCheckedOut.
    5. The method checkOut sets the value of checkedOut to true.
    6. The method checkIn sets the value of checkedOut to false.
    7. The method compareTo, required by the Comparable interface, returns 1 if this.title > other.title, returns -1 if this.title < other.title, and returns 0 if this.title == other.title.
    8. Create a unit test class Test2 that tests all the public methods of these three classes.
    9. You will probably want to create a traditional test class Test1 first, before creating Test2.
    10. Test incrementally: start by writing with the constructor and toString methods in the LibraryItem class, then testing them.
    11. Keep adding and testing one instance method at a time until you have written and tested all the methods.
    12. Add JavaDoc comments to your LibraryItem, Book, and MusicCD classes so that you can use the JavaDoc software to obtain documentation.

Grading Breakdown

Project 6b

Grading Breakdown