To Lecture Notes

IT 212 -- Mar 10, 2020

Review Questions

  1. Explain what these classes or interfaces are from the java.sql module:
    DriverManager  Connection  Statement  ResultSet
    DriverManager: that manages the database driver that is used to connect to a database.
    The static getConnection method creates a connection object that implements the Connection interface.
    DriverManager.getConnection is an example of the Factory pattern.

    Connection: an interface that specifies about 58 required methods for all objects that manage the connection between the database and Java.
    The Connection method that we used in the JDBC Example is createStatement.

    Statement: an interface that specifies about 54 required methods. The objects that implement this interface execute and manage SQL statements.
    The Statement methods that we used in the JDBC Example were executeUpdate and executeQuery, which returns a ResultSet object.

    ResultSet: an interface that specifies about 205 methods for navigating through the table resulting from an SQL query.
    We used these ResultSet methods: next, getString, getInt, getFloat.
  2. Look at the LoadTransactions and DisplayTransactions classes in the JDBC Example.


Some Java Related Technologies

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