To Lecture Notes

IT 313 -- Feb 27, 2020

Review Exercise

  1. Look up the Iterator and Iterable interface in the Java 11 Class Library. What are these interfaces' required methods? You want your LibraryManager class to implement the Iterator interface so that its Transaction objects can be processed in a for loop. If manager is a LibraryManager object that implements Iterator, we can do something like this:
    for (LibraryItem item : manager) {
    Ans: The required method of the Iterable interface is iterator. Since the TransactionManager interface contains the ArrayList collection named col, we can use the iterator of the arraylist as our TransactionManager class; we define our Transaction iterator method like this:
    public Iterable<Transaction> iterator( ) {
        return col.iterator( );
    The required methods of the Iterator interface are hasNext and next. Instead of using the for loop above, which uses the iterator behind the scenes (implicit iteration), we can use the iterator methods explicitly like this:
    Iterable<LibraryItem> itr = manager.iterator( );
    while itr.hasNext( ) {
        LibraryItem item = );
        // Do something with item.

Software Design Patterns

Factory Pattern

Singleton Pattern

Observer Pattern