// Project: UnitTests // Module: amt2words // Source code file Amt2Words.java // The amt2Words method in the Amt2Words class inputs // a double amount < 100.00 and convert it to // words suitable for using as the amount on a check. // The Amt2WordsTest class provides the test1 method // with unit tests for the Amt2Words.amt2Words method. import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; class Amt2WordsTest { @Test void test1( ) { assertEquals("sixty three and 45/100", Amt2Words.amtToWords(63.45)); assertEquals("eighteen and 6/100", Amt2Words.amtToWords(18.06)); assertEquals("zero and 97/100", Amt2Words.amtToWords(0.97)); } }