// Project: EmployeeFind // No additional modules defined. // Source code file: Test.java // Test the Employee, Executive, and EmployeeRoster classes import java.util.ArrayList; public class Test { public static void main(String[ ] args) { Employee emp1 = new Employee( "E1234", "Johnson,Susan", 'F', 37, 80000); Employee emp2 = new Employee( "E5678", "Cary,Robert", 'M', 39, 78000); Executive exec1 = new Executive( "X2345", "Williams,John", 'M', 45, 120000, 40000.00); Executive exec2 = new Executive( "X6789", "Collins,Justine", 'F', 43, 115000, 60000.00); EmployeeRoster roster = new EmployeeRoster( ); roster.add(emp1); roster.add(exec1); roster.add(emp2); roster.add(exec2); System.out.println(roster); ArrayList subset = roster.find("JOHN"); for(Employee e : subset) { System.out.println(e); } } }