To Exam Info
IT 313 -- Midterm Review Guide
Bring to Midterm:
- Two 8.5 × 11 pages of crib notes (four sides).
- Some Java Classes and Methods document.
- Copies of your project submissions for projects 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- Sample midterm exams and review questions on the ExamInfo Page, the review
exercises at the beginning of each lecture, your submissions for Projects 1, 2a,
2b, 3a, 3b.
- Constants (integer, floating point, character, string, boolean), constant
suffixes (L, F), character escape sequences ( \b \f \n \r \t \" \' \\ ),
primitive datatypes (byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, boolean),
class, object, variable (local, instance), method (instance, static), startup method (main),
getter, setter, toString, accessibility (private,
public, protected), standard IO streams (stdin, stdout, stderr),
input stream terminator (Control-D), operators (arithmetic,
comparison, logical, assignment, increment, decrement, tertiary conditional,
member selection, new),
control structures (if..else, switch, while, do..while, for, break), array
(declaration, instantiation, lookup), method definition, method invocation,
parameter, argument, return value, void, method overloading, overriding, refactoring, exception (try..catch,
throws), UML diagram,
traditional test, unit test, inheritance, is-a test, inheritance,
extends, is-a test, method overriding, package, JAR
file, traditional array, collection class (ArrayList).
Classes and Methods:
- Know how to use objects from these classes: String, Integer, ArrayList, Scanner, PrintWriter, Color, Font, Graphics
- See Some Java Classes and Methods for details.
Be Able To:
- Answer multiple choice questions. You will be allowed to provide reasons or
show your work for partial credit.
- Understand Java source code similar to the review exercises, practice tests, and homework projects.
- Predict the output of Java source code.
- Find errors in Java source code.
- Be able to write traditional test classes and unit test classes using
assertEquals methods in a JUnit5 test environment.
- Convert among these datatypes: int, double, boolean, char, String.
- Be able to write the following for a class: constructor, getters, setters,
toString method.
- Write and use a format string according to specifications (String.format,