To Documents

Guidelines for IT 313 Project Submissions

  1. Keep backup copies of all assignments.   The late penalty will not be waived if you lose an assignment or your computer crashes.
  2. Use IntelliJ to create a zip file of your project for an assignment.   This reduces the size of your zip file and insures that everyone's zip file is in the same format.
  3. Submitted files must have standardized names.   Correctly named submission zipfile: (replace smith with your last name).
  4. Source code files contain a header and comments.   The header contains the name, project number, and submission date. The comments explain the code. Here is an example source code file header:
    // Stan Smith
    // Project 1
    // Sep 15, 2019
    Here is an example source code comment:
    // Print numbers from 1 to 30
    for (int i = 1; i <= 30; i++) {
        System.out.print(i + " ");
    A comment should explain what a section of source code does, not literally repeat the code.
  5. Submit assignment on D2L at
    1. Use your campus connect username and password to log on.
    2. Select the course Advanced Application Programming (IT 313).
    3. Select Submission.
    4. Select the submission (also called dropbox) corresponding to the project you want to submit.
    5. Submit the project file.
  6. Check your submission. Double check that you have submitted the correct document or link and that D2L has accepted it.