To Lecture Notes

IT 238 -- Feb 17, 2025

Review Exercises

  1. Use radiobuttons with labels elephant, lion, monkey, rhinoceros to display images of the same name with .jpg extension. Use a single image element defined like this:
    <img id="img1">
    Include this line in your CSS file:
    img { width: 200px; background-color: #C0C0C0; }
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Source code file: index.html
         Script for Exercise 1        -->
    <html lang="en">
            <meta charset="UTF-8">
            <title>Exercise 1</title>
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
            <script src="script.js"></script>
            <h1>Exercise 1</h1>
            <img id="img1"><br>
            <input type="radio" id="ele" name="animal" 
                   value="elephant"> Elephant<br>
            <input type="radio" id="lio" name="animal" 
                   value="lion"> Lion<br>
            <input type="radio" id="mon" name="animal" 
                   value="monkey"> Monkey<br>
            <input type="radio" id="rhi" name="animal" 
                   value="rhinoceros"> Rhinoceros 
    /* Source code file: styles.css
       Stylesheet for Exercise 1    */
    body { font: 120% verdana, sans-serif; } 
    img { width:200px; height: 150px;
          background-color: #C0C0C0;}
    // Source code file: script.js
    // Script for Exercise 1.
    function showAnimal(e) {
        var animalName =;
        var imageName = "images/" + animalName + ".jpg";
        document.getElementById("img1").src = imageName;
    function init( ) {
        var radEle = document.getElementById("ele");
        var radLio = document.getElementById("lio");
        var radMon = document.getElementById("mon");
        var radRhi = document.getElementById("rhi");
        radEle.addEventListener("click", showAnimal);
        radLio.addEventListener("click", showAnimal);
        radMon.addEventListener("click", showAnimal);
        radRhi.addEventListener("click", showAnimal);
    window.addEventListener("load", init);
  2. Redo Exercise 1 to use a dropdown menu with <select> and <option> elements instead of radio buttons.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Source Code File: index.html
         HTML file for Exercise 2 -->
    <html lang="en">
            <meta charset="UTF-8">
            <title>Exercise 2</title>
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
            <script src="script.js"></script>
            <h1>Exercise 2</h1>
            <img id="img1"><br>
            <select id="sel1">
                <option value="elephant">Elephant</option>
                <option value="lion">Lion</option>
                <option value="monkey">Monkey</option>
                <option value="rhinoceros">Rhinoceros</option>
    /* Source Code File: styles.css
       Stylesheet for Exercise 2 */
    body { font: 120% verdana, sans-serif; } 
    img { width:200px; height: 150px;
          background-color: #C0C0C0;}
    // Source Code File: script.js
    // Script for Exercise 2.
    function showAnimal( ) {
        var animalName = document.getElementById("sel1").value;
        var imageName = "images/" + animalName + ".jpg";
        document.getElementById("img1").src = imageName;
    function init( ) {
        var select1 = document.getElementById("sel1")
        select1.addEventListener("change", showAnimal);
    window.addEventListener("load", init);
  3. Redo the previous problem using anonymous event handlers in arrow notation.
    Answer. Here is the revised script:
    // Source code file: script.js
    // Script for Exercise 3.
    window.addEventListener("load", ( ) => {
        var select1 = document.getElementById("sel1");
        select1.addEventListener("change", ( ) => {
            var animalName = document.getElementById("sel1").value;
            var imageName = "images/" + animalName + ".jpg";
            document.getElementById("img1").src = imageName;
  4. Start with this HTML paragraph:
    <p>Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer 
    adipiscing elit. Maecenas ipsum ligula 
    tempor lorem mus integer. Platea nisi 
    fusce placerat mus magnis ipsum. Ipsum 
    sed platea tincidunt, magnis et commodo. 
    Orci mattis tempus amet himenaeos 
    lobortis dis iaculis accumsan. Id 
    suscipit proin laoreet vel eleifend morbi. 
    Pharetra erat id egestas ultricies ad 
    tempus feugiat aliquet eu. Phasellus per 
    vestibulum ut curabitur himenaeos 
    consequat senectus quisque magnis. 
    Fusce posuere vulputate sem egestas 
    cursus dignissim duis.</p>
    Define a CSS class that sets the span element to bold, red, and Chiller font. Apply this class to five words in the paragraph.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!--  Source Code File: index.html
          HTML code for Exercise 4 -->
    <html lang="en">
            <meta charset="UTF-8">
            <title>Exercise 4</title>
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
            <h1>Exercise 4</h1>
            <h2>Lorem Ipsum Text</h2>
            <p>Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer 
               adipiscing elit. Maecenas ipsum ligula 
               tempor lorem mus integer. Platea nisi 
               fusce <span class="r">placerat</span> mus 
               magnis ipsum. Ipsum sed platea tincidunt, 
               magnis et commodo. Orci mattis tempus amet 
               himenaeos lobortis dis iaculis accumsan. Id 
               suscipit proin <span class="r">laoreet</span> 
               vel eleifend morbi. Pharetra erat id egestas 
               ultricies ad tempus feugiat aliquet eu. 
               Phasellus per <span class="r">vestibulum</span> 
               ut curabitur himenaeos consequat senectus 
               quisque magnis. Fusce posuere vulputate sem 
               egestas cursus dignissim 
               <span class="r">duis</span>.</p>
    /* Source Code File: styles.css
       Exercise 4 */
    /* Define CSS Class */
    .r { font: bold 200% Chiller, sans-serif; 
         color: red; }

Review of CSS Selectors

New JavaScript Methods

Practice Problems

  1. If the body element in an HTML file is defined like this
    write JavaScript statement that changes the background-color style of the body to silver when the body is clicked. There is no defined id so you can't use document.getElementById.
  2. Start with this HTML page:
        <p>Lorem ipsum.</p>
        <p>In eu blandit velit.</p>
        <p>Proin turpis erat, porta dignissim dapibus 
           in, rhoncus et diam. Sed id ante mattis.</p>
        <p>Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora 
           torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos 
           himenaeos. Fusce sed nunc nisi.</p>
        <button>Replace Paragraphs.</button>
    Write an event listener for the button so that all paragraphs with length > 30 characters are replaced with the string "Paragraph too long. You've been replaced."

Hiding and Displaying Elements


We will discuss this section on Wednesday, Dec 19.

Practice Quiz 6b

Practice Problems

For the Planetary Outpost Status Summaries page, show the output in this element at the end of the document:

<p id="output"></p>
  1. Obtain the root node <html> and output its node name (property nodeName). Remember to put your JavaScript statements in an init method that is called after the page is loaded.
  2. Print the number of elements with tagname li. Answer for Parts 1 and 2:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Source code file: index.html -->
    <html lang="en">
            <meta charset="UTF-8">
            <title>Planetary Output Summaries</title>
            <script src="script.js"></script>
            <h1>Planetary Outpost Status Summaries</h1>
                <li>Green Planet<br>
                    All is well.</li>
                <li class="redtext">Red Planet<br>
                    All systems A-OK.</p>
            <h2>Number of Planets</h2>
            <p id="para">3</p>
  3. Start with a empty body that looks like this:
    1. Add a paragraph to the body with the inner HTML
      This is a test.
    2. Build this table entirely by using JavaScript:
      Name Height Country
      Kilimanjaro 5895 Tanzania